Our team are knowledgeable, skilled, qualified, and experienced engaging with and supporting those in our community who require care and support at home and the surrounding communities. As a registered NDIS provider, our systems and management practice meet the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and national accreditation standards via extensive and ongoing independent audits.
Respite Now services most of Melbourne but the Eastern and Northern suburbs are where we specialise and where most of our support staff reside. This is important when providing flexible care and disability, aged or recovery support to individuals and their families. Clients requiring our services are generally referred through support coordinators and care advisors from some of Melbourne’s leading private and not-for-profit industry leaders.
Our reputation has grown through our community engagement, referral relationships and industry and community events which has made us a provider of choice for NDIS, disability, aged and recovery care services throughout Melbourne.
We have recently moved into a larger office space which allows us to share our Activity Centre and provide our clients with a place to meet other people and an opportunity to actively engage and participate in music, art, cooking, and other activities.
Call 1300 791 562 or email info@respitenow.com.au to learn more.
Multi-lingual care staff | Activity centre | ClientCarerMatchmakerMeet your carer before starting services |
The Triplet of Care is the foundation of Respite Now's person-centred care and co-design planning approach which highlights the three parties involved when planning and delivering care and support services.
The Triplet of Care not only represents the three parties involved in the planning and delivery of care, it is also a symbol of empowerment, independence and freedom.
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."Nelson Mandela |